Location: Weaverville, North Carolina, United States

Monday, January 15, 2007

Or Maybe It Is Working

Compared to the pain of the past three weeks, I feel really great today. It's funny, but it wasn't long after writing that last post that I started to feel a little better. I felt so good yesterday that I even did a little puttering in my basement workshop. The pain is still there, but with the pain killers I'm able to tolerate it again.

We met with my oncologist today and we agreed that the current chemo regimen has stabilized my condition, more or less. We are going to continue treatment starting this coming Friday. The only change is that instead of a big dose once every 3 weeks, I'll get a smaller dose once a week for 3 weeks, then get a week off. That should help with the side-effects.

Looking forward, my options are still very limited. Chemo is not going to cause any significant shrinkage of the prostate tumor, at least not enough to alleviate the pain in that area. At some point I'm going to have to consider some kind of "local" treatment, like surgery (fraught with risks though it would be).

Most of you know I'm not a religious person. So you'll be very surprised to learn that I went to church yesterday. I haven't had some miraculous conversion or anything like that. Let's just say that I'm re-investigating something I had written off many years ago. I'm going to try nurturing whatever seed of faith is left in me. I went to church with an open mind and nothing to lose, and actually enjoyed it. Time will tell where it will all lead. As will all else, I will keep you posted through this website.


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