Location: Weaverville, North Carolina, United States

Monday, January 22, 2007

Hospital Day 4

This is still Donna writing. Calvin did not sleep well last night. The bed is not that comfortable and he can't turn over or lay on his side with IV tubing and a Catheter tube. So today he dozed off and on a lot. His urine continues to be yellow. When the two urology doctors came in this morning both said they would discharge him to go home today. But the chemo doctors still had to see him. It was after lunch before someone from their practice came in. Because of the morphine he has been on, he could not be discharged today. He must be weaned off it over a 12 hour period. He is being started back on Oxycontin and Oxycodone gradually as well. They have also decided to insert a blood clot filter into a vein in his abdomen so that his blood thinner drug can be decreased. With cancer there is always the chance of a blood clot so this should prevent one from travelling into his lungs, brain, heart, etc. if one was to develop somewhere. They are trying to get that scheduled to be done tomorrow morning. If Calvin's blood is still too thin when they check it in the morning they will have to wait until another day to do the procedure. (It would be done as an outpatient.) He has been on blood thinners since July. It was only stopped on Friday. He only took one walk around the halls today - too drousy. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon sometime he will be home. If they cannot do the procedure until late in the day he will not be discharged until Wednesday.


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