Location: Weaverville, North Carolina, United States

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Solace Care day 4

Allison arrived back from college just before 1AM Sunday night/Monday morning. She brought all her college books with her. We slept well until I got a phone call at 4:30 Monday morning from Solace Care. Calvin's breathing had changed and they wanted me to know. So I woke up Allison, we quickly slipped into some clothes and we headed out. When we arrived, Calvin's breathing sounded really bad. It was like nothing we had ever heard before. Allison says that to her it was like how it sounds when newlyweds drive off with tin cans tied to the back of their car dragging on the road. His breathing was like that for several hours, than gradually it went back to the way he had been breathing.

Dr. Soufas, a Hospice doctor, came in and examined him later that morning. We talked. She feels that it will not be weeks that Calvin will linger like this, but only a matter of days.

Calvin can no longer take anything by mouth, so they took him off the oxycontin/oxycodone and all his other meds and got him set up with a subcutaneous morphine pump. It is programmed to release a set amount of morphine every 2 to 3 minutes. It seems to be doing a good job managing his pain. The only pain he seems to be feeling is occasional pain/spasms around the catheter. They are trying to get that better managed by using a topical analgesic gel, I think it is called lydocaine (?).

He has had several visitors. Sometimes he seems to be aware of their presence and shows some response. He especially seemed to recognize Teelco and Fiaz, two of his coworkers. At times Calvin can make eye contact, smile, and speak somewhat. But it is not very much. We have been told that hearing is the last thing to go so we continue to talk to him. His condition though is deteriorating. Today I asked the nurse about a white saltiness around his neck and on his face. She said that is from the kidneys starting to break down.

I spent the night there last night. They have a sleeping area at the far side of the room, a large sort of built in sleeping shelf/seat. It is a large as a twin bed and has a comfortable mattress. I brought my lightweight sleeping bag, pillows and jammies and slept pretty comfortably. Allison wanted to go back home to sleep. She is fine being on her own, well, with Sophie, Vinnie, and Casper. I will be doing the sleepover thing with Calvin again tonight and Allison will come back home. She is with him now so I could write some checks for some bills that are due, get a load of laundry done, and update this blog, and get a little break. Just before I left to come home a large beautiful arrangement of flowers was delivered that are from a couple who are good friends of ours here. The outpouring of love, caring, and assistance has been phenomenal. We are very blessed to be cared for and prayed for by wonderful, wonderful friends and family.

The Solace Facility is really very nice. There is a great big Great Room with large fireplace, baby grand piano, game and puzzle tables, several sitting areas with couches and chairs. There is a full kitchen for the use of families who want to use it and a private family dining room which seats about 8 people at the table. There is a small chapel with a large beautiful stained glass window. A walking path goes completely around the whole building. There are several seating areas outside with tables, chairs, rocking chairs, and a gazebo, spread out around the grounds. It is a small facility, with only 26 rooms. The care and staff there are great. Very gentle, caring, and attentive. They give him good baths, and lotion up his dry skin, and see that all his needs, as well as mine, are met. He is in a good place. Just waiting.


Blogger Kelly and Andy said...

Donna, this is Kelly again, sending thoughts from Andy and I. We worked with Calvin at Lucas. I consider him one of my very best friends from that company. He was very dedicated in his work and provided excellent service to the organizations he supported. I truely appreciate his efforts to keep in touch over the past 10 years and have enjoyed hearing of your many family adventures. Even though I have never met you or Allison, I feel as though I know you both. I am very sad this terrible disease it taking Calvin. Please know that you will remain in our thoughts and prayers for many months to come.

6:22 AM  

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