Calvin Dimsha Battles Cancer

Location: Weaverville, North Carolina, United States

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Winter Blues

I'm ready for spring. I'm ready for some warm sunshine. This grey cold weather does nothing for my spirits. No major changes in my condition, either good or bad. I continue to have some blood in my urine. I was dreading my doctor appointment (16-Feb), but it wasn't bad at all. As long as the bleeding doesn't get worse, and my blood counts stay in the healthy ranges, we'll let it go for now. We changed several of my medications to see if we can eliminate the panic attacks I've been having lately. We also changed my schedule a bit. This is my week off anyway. My next chemo will be 26-Feb (Monday). By switching to Monday, I hope to enjoy my weekends a little better.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Quick Update

There really isn't much to report. My life revolves around chemo. With treatments coming on Friday, I spend most of my weekends in bed resting. I get pretty low and it's a struggle to not get depressed. I'm starting to feel a little better now and I can spend short periods working at the computer. I'm also watching movies and doing a little reading. After this round of chemo is finished (on 9-Feb) we're going to request they change the treatments to Monday - that way I can recover while Donna is at work and maybe we'll be able to do something enjoyable with her free time on the weekends. I continue to take it very easy physically. I worry a lot about a recurrence of blood in my urine. I see faint traces from time to time and just keep praying that it won't get any worse than that.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Winter of my Chemo Discontent

It has been a very unexceptional week since my last post. The lower dosage of chemo did make the side effects easier to tolerate. I didn't have the flu-like symptom like I did back in December. However I was still very tired and slept a lot. Didn't step out of the house much. Cold, wintry weather outside made me reasonably content to stay in. I had another dose of chemo yesterday (Friday) and am hanging in there so far. During the week, I passed a couple of blood clots in my urine, but they seem to have been isolated instances, leftovers from my hospital ordeal. I continue to have lower back pain and hope to see my chiropractor on Monday.