Really Bad Night
Chemo went fine yesterday. I had plenty of company. Donna was there of course, and Allison, and also Bea, my mother-in-law. Allison and Bea played Christmas songs on the piano including some duets. We also played some card games and I managed to nap a little. I felt fine afterward, but when I went to bed last night I started having pain in my pelvic region and it got steadily worse until it was as bad as my worst night since this ordeal started. I even broke down and cried, something I rarely, rarely ever do. I even resorted to my trick from last summer where I went outside and walked up and down the street - good thing it wasn't too cold out. I kept popping my prescription pain killers plus some Motrin and Tylenol and eventually the pain became bearable to the point where I eventually got to sleep around 2. I slept fairly well after that and slept in all morning and even napped since then. I still have some pelvic pain, but I'm feeling much better this afternoon.