Calvin Dimsha Battles Cancer

Location: Weaverville, North Carolina, United States

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Really Bad Night

Chemo went fine yesterday. I had plenty of company. Donna was there of course, and Allison, and also Bea, my mother-in-law. Allison and Bea played Christmas songs on the piano including some duets. We also played some card games and I managed to nap a little. I felt fine afterward, but when I went to bed last night I started having pain in my pelvic region and it got steadily worse until it was as bad as my worst night since this ordeal started. I even broke down and cried, something I rarely, rarely ever do. I even resorted to my trick from last summer where I went outside and walked up and down the street - good thing it wasn't too cold out. I kept popping my prescription pain killers plus some Motrin and Tylenol and eventually the pain became bearable to the point where I eventually got to sleep around 2. I slept fairly well after that and slept in all morning and even napped since then. I still have some pelvic pain, but I'm feeling much better this afternoon.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Chemo & Christmas

Chemo and Christmas are coming. This Friday, the 22nd, will be my next dose of Taxol. I expect I'll be pretty miserable all weekend and on Christmas day. Oh well, it can't be helped. I'm feeling more pain in my pelvic region again, so I probably need the chemo. My hair, which has been growing back for a couple months now, started coming out in gobs again, so I shaved it off. Allison is home from college until about 10-Jan and my mother-in-law is visiting through Christmas. This will probably be my last post before Christmas, so let me take the opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Or if you are not so inclined: Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, Feliz Navidad, or Bah Humbug. Hey, at least it's a day off from work!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Recovering from Chemo

It took about a week to recover from that last round of chemo. I still don't feel 100%, but I suppose I never will again. It's funny, but despite having lived with this for over six months now, I still find myself in denial. A day doesn't go by that I don't think about cancer, but sometimes I just can't believe this is happening to me. Oh, and here's a note to all my coworkers or anyone who has health insurance through work. I was reviewing expenses a few days ago and discovered that the Neulasta shots, which I get about a week after chemo to stimulate white blood cell production, cost $3000 each. No, I didn't forget the decimal. That's three thousand dollars. And I've had several of them. And insurance has paid in full every time. So think twice next time you feel like complaining about your health insurance or the part of the premiums that you have to pay.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Taxol is Nasty

I'm sure there are chemo drugs with worse side-effects, but this is the worst I've had so far. I was warned about flu-like symptoms, nerve changes, and nausea & vomiting (among other things) and they were right on all accounts. My lower legs felt like I had just completed 10 Grand Canyon hikes. My hands ached too. I had chills and sweats. About all I could do was pop pain killers and try to sleep. I threw up one night. And I've got a terrible taste in my mouth that just won't go away. The worst symptoms were Sunday & Monday. I felt a little better yesterday and feel tolerable this morning so far. Since my next treatment is scheduled for 22-Dec, I guess Christmas won't be much fun for me this year.